How to get to Harrachov.
By airplane
The nearest international airport is in Prague. Also Polish Wroclaw is about the same distance away.
By bus
Direct buses from Prague go about 2.5 hours. Beware that most of them start from "Černý most", that is at the east end of metro (underground) line B (yellow). Only a few go from the central bus station Florenc, (metro B/C), where international buses usually stop.
Some buses continue to Wroclaw (3 hours).
There are some direct buses from Berlin to Liberec (regional capital near Harrachov). Then continue by train to Harrachov.
On-line timetables for trains and buses both local and international (it covers most of Europe):
By train
The train connection from Prague requires at least one transfer in Tanvald, because the last part is a unique rack-railway. Most normal trains are not allowed on this part. Even the fastest train connection takes 3:45 hours, and the railway station is 4 km from the hall, while bus station only 1 km. Although there is local bus going to the train station (every hour, connecting to train arrivals), the long distance bus from Prague is better option than train. And a ride on the rack railway may be a part of some hike during the week.
There is also train connection from the Polish side, trains from Wroclaw take also 3:45 hours, transfer in Szklarska Poreba.
Train may be an interesting option if you come from eastern Germany - then you can avoid Prague, and go by train via Dresden - Zittau - Liberec. There are direct trains from Dresden to Liberec, then direct train from Liberec to Harrachov.
Regional transport
Liberec region has a "integrated" regional transport IDOL. But it's advantages are only for residents who purchase their "credit" card and use it to pay for tickets. Euro Nisa Ticket might be interesting for travelling via Zittau or Sklarska Poreba.
By car
Hm, just use your favorite GPS navigation. Drive on right, speed limits are 50 km/h (in town) / 90 km/h (normal roads) / 110 km/h (blue sign motorways) / 130 km/h (green sign motorways).
Keep the lights on all the time. Alcohol is not tolerated. To use a motorway, you need to buy an electronic vignette.
By bike
Only for the toughest of you...
By boat
No chance.
Other means
Just get to: 50° 46' 26" North and 15° 26' 8" East
- odjezd, odlet = departure (ride, flight)
- příjezd, přílet = arrival (ride, flight)
- jízní řád = timetable
- zpoždění = delay (if the delay is less than 5 minutes, nobody cares...)
- benzín = gasoline
- natrual = unleaded gasoline
- nafta = diesel fuel
- MHD = city public transport
- IDOL = unified transport system of Liberec region
- jízdenka, lístek = travel ticket
- letenka = flight ticket
- tramvaj = tram
- vlak = train
- letadlo = airplane
- letiště = airport
- (hlavní) nádraží = (main) station
- zastávka = stop